Membership Information
The journey of sisterhood that is shared in Zeta Tau Alpha begins in college, when Zeta members learn early that our bond in ZTA is forever. Not only do Zetas share a collegiate sisterhood, but we continue to share our bond of sisterhood through families, careers, adventures, even retirement. Whether you're new to the Huntsville area or you've lived here your entire life, joining our alumnae chapter allows you to meet other local Zeta ladies, serve the Huntsville/Madison community, and socialize, network, and share experiences with your ZTA sisters! We would love for you to join our chapter and continue enriching your Zeta Tau Alpha sisterhood with us!
We ask you to view the dues options listed below and choose how you plan to support the chapter!
As always we offer a discount if you pay your 2024-2026 biennium dues for -- $80.00 (2 years)
ZETAS TRUE - Active Members: For sisters who are able to join us locally at events occasionally.
- 1 Year = $45.00
- 2 Years = $80.00 * save 11% *
ZETA IS FOREVER - Sustainer or Distant Member: $35.00
For sisters whose phase of life or location prevents you from attending local events, yet you know ZTA is forever and want to support our chapter.
NEW CROWN IN TOWN - New Graduate:
For our sisters who graduated within the last 2 years.
- 1 Year = $30.00
- 2 Years = $50.00 * save 16% *
Dues payment options:
Venmo: @ZTAHuntsvilleAlumnae /
PayPal: @HSVZTAalum/
To fill out a membership form click here: ZTA Huntsville Membership Form.pdf
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